Navigate the RTLS Market With Confidence

Should you spend money to update your RTLS or should you look at new technology?

The landscape of the RTLS market has changed significantly since the last time most hospitals installed an asset tracking solution. Before, RTLS fell into one of two buckets 1) Accurate but Expensive or 2) Inaccurate & Less Expensive. Now, next-generation RTLS enable hospitals to have a solution that is accurate, affordable, and proven to produce hard-dollar ROI.


No matter where you are in your research on RTLS, we put together this guide to help bring the most helpful videos, blogs, white papers, and more at to your finger tips.

Access Your RTLS Research Kit

Here’s Sneak Peak Of What You’ll Find Inside:

  • When Should You Cut Bait on an Old RTLS?
  • 5 Myths About Hospital RTLS That Cost Time, Resources, & Money
  • How To Transforming RTLS Data into Hard Dollar Savings
  • Ultimate Guide to Choosing The Right RTLS Solution For Your Hospital
  • Why RTLS Needs Both Accuracy and Confidence to Power Automation
  • On the Road to ROI: A Guide to Implementing Cognosos RTLS
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