Location intelligence done right


AI & ML-powered location

We combine artificial intelligence and machine learning with a lightweight infrastructure to deliver highly accurate and cost-effective solutions, sparing your organization from complex installations and lengthy deployment projects.


High value without the high friction

Experience day-one value through our subscription approach which eliminates CapEx and results in immediate benefits while managing costs over time, ensuring a fast time-to-value.


End to End, Built for Purpose

We’ve crafted our product from the ground up based on the latest technologies, delivering unparalleled value via hardware and software designed to work seamlessly together.

Key Statistics


Assets under management


Million moves tracked & counting


Assets tracked & counting


AI-powered location with lightweight infrastructure

What’s unique about Cognosos is that we are able to use widely available technologies– GPS, Bluetooth– and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to deliver improved location accuracy. Unlike other technologies, we don’t try to figure out coordinates; we take a classification approach: what room, what space, what bay.

The results are that we achieve amazing performance that won’t deteriorate overtime with minimal infrastructure.

High performance without the high price

Achieve enterprise-wide accuracy without the heavy infrastructure and IT burden.

Location intelligence done right

Leverage mature machine learning models to deliver high-confidence locations while gaining unparalleled insights into your processes.

Designed for long-term resilience

Utilize cloud-based AI that won’t become obsolete in a few years while automatically reaping the benefits of AI innovation.


High value without the high friction

No longer will you have to choose to be both accurate and expensive. By utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning with a lightweight infrastructure, Cognosos gives you the best of both worlds.

Experience a swift implementation that minimizes disruptions and IT overhead. Concerns over costly upgrades and performance deterioration are a thing of the past, thanks to our cloud-based solution.

Cashflow with Cognosos

Lightweight infrastructure enables quick TTV

Designed with minimal infrastructure to lower installation costs and disruptions resulting in an accelerated time to value.

Self-funded SaaS model

Create positive cash flow with instant value and SaaS payments spread out over time.

Data-backed decision making

High-confidence location data delivers high-confidence business intelligence to make high-confidence decisions


End to end, built for purpose

We know at Cognosos that the location by itself is not enough to drive significant ROI, hence why many tracking solutions have failed in the past.

That is why we designed our solution to give managers the full-picture insights required to maximize efficiency and hard-dollar cost savings, while also empowering end users with essential tools for improved performance.

Single integrated design from sensors to software

Fully integrated design maximizes sensor and software synergy to deliver the most value at an affordable price.

Ground-up design for specific markets

Workflow centric solution designed to solve the main challenges our customers face while maximizing productivity and efficiency.

Built for end users & leadership, loved by IT

Equally focused on empowering end users as we are fueling the digital enterprise while minimizing IT burdens.

Providing location intelligence for

Staff safety & duress

Campus-wide coverage & full incident management suite

Asset Management

Ensure clean equipment is where it’s needed, when it’s needed

Finished vehicles

Optimize vehicle throughput & reduce dwell time

Trailer yard visibility

Improve dock utilization and trailer management

Quality Float

Streamline and enhance quality campaign effectiveness


What you can expect

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